Heart Kids Waikato

Heart Kids Waikato is one of the affiliated branches of Heart Kids NZ and supports 891 heart members (and counting).

Your Community Family Support Taituarā

Elaine Paki

Family Support

Latest News

Contact Information

General Enquiries

Amanda Findsen-Delaney
Support Services Coordinator
M: 022 437 3202
E: waikato.ssc@heartkids.org.nz

Family Support

Elaine Paki
Family Support
M: 022 075 7939
E: waikato.fsw@heartkids.org.nz

Branch Newsletters
Newsletter Sign-Up
Connect with Us
Donate To Our Branch

The Heart Kids Waikato branch raises funds throughout the year to deliver local services, such as Murmurs Coffee Groups, education events, family days as well as practical support for Waikato families.

Fundraise For Our Branch

Do you have an idea for a local fundraising event that you, your family or colleagues can organise and drive? We’re always open to hearing new ideas. Please reach out to us and we can help with anything you need.

Contact Amanda
Volunteer For Our Branch

We are always on the lookout for volunteers as there are plenty of different opportunities to contribute. These include assisting with fundraising and local branch events. Please reach out if you’re interested.

Contact Amanda