Heart mum, Elaine, shares her journey with George.
George was born on Christmas Eve 2015, 12 hours after his birth he was rushed back to hospital in an ambulance where we got the earth shattering news that there was something wrong with his heart. To say we were devastated would be putting it mildly, we had just welcomed him into this world and suddenly we were faced with losing him.
George spent the first few years of his life in and out of Starship Hospital and in a bubble even when he was home. Catching a cold usually ended up with him back in hospital. Fast forward 9 years, 4 surgeries and 7 cardiac catheters and George is thriving.
He is a fun loving, kind, cheeky kid who loves football and gaming. To see him now you would have no idea of how hard he has had to fight to be running around the football field with his mates.
Sadly, his heart journey is far from over as there will never be a ‘last op’ for George. He will always need close monitoring and further interventions and surgeries.
Heart Kids came into our lives right at the start when Nana Marie popped into our room on the ward. Since then, they have always been there for us, supporting us in our hard times and cheering us on in our good times.
George loves going to Heart Kids events and meeting other kids with ‘special hearts’ like him. When he was younger, going to murmurs coffee groups was a highlight as it was a safe space to talk with other parents who ‘got it’.
Little things like a hospital support worker bringing us a coffee when we were stuck in a hospital room feeling very sleep deprived might seem like a small thing but in that moment, it is everything.
George loves Little Heart Day, his school gets right behind it and George feels very special that there is a day that celebrates all the heart warriors out there like him.